Friday, 13 November 2009

5 top tips for weddings abroad

It was my one month anniversary on Wednesday. One month since my husband (slowly getting used to that!) and I said 'I do' onboard a yacht in Cyprus. It was a magcial day, in fact a magical week with all our friends and family around us. When I was planning it though I found there was a lack of good information about how to get married abroad. So after our idyllic honeymoon in the Maldives I am keeping the feelgood factor going by sharing some of my new found knowledge with all you brides to be. Here are my top 5 tips:

1) Remember it won't be the same as the UK
The laws, the vows, the service, the catering - none of it will be how you expect a traditional UK wedding to be so make sure you know what you will be getting and are happy with it (we ended up with a delightful non-negotiable passage about bigamy in our service!)

2) Not all friends and family will come quietly
If you are getting married abroad you have to be prepared for a lot of your friends and family not to come, and for those who do to moan about it and treat you as their travel agent.

3) Get a Planner
It's hard enough to deal with all the planning in this country, let alone thousands of miles away. Most venues or travel agents will provide you with a planner so take advantage of it

4) Think Luggage
How are you going to transport your dress? Can you really pack 42 wedding favours? You will only have limited space so think about all these things earlier than the night before

5) If it's your dream, do it
There was never any doubt in our minds that we'd get married abroad and even with all the difficulties it was the best decision. It's generally cheaper, nearly always sunnier and the people who really love you will be happy that you're happy.

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